Washington DC – Today, the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) joined more than 200 other leading business organizations in sending a letter to House and Senate leadership urging passage of bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation this year. The letter is a clear indicator of broad business community support for TPA – an important tool to ensure critical pending trade agreements are completed and achieve the best possible outcomes for American exporters and workers.
The letter was spearheaded by the Trade Benefits America Coalition, of which the NFTC is a steering committee member.
To follow is an excerpt:
“… History has shown that TPA is a critical tool for helping complete ambitious U.S. trade agreements and getting them passed by Congress. With 95 percent of potential customers outside the United States and more than one in five American jobs supported by trade, we need to seize on opportunities – such as ongoing and future U.S. trade agreements – to expand U.S. commerce with other countries.
“Accordingly, we are eager to work with you, your colleagues in the House and Senate, and the Administration to pass bipartisan TPA legislation before the end of the year.”
Click here to read the full letter.
About the NFTC
NFTC is Celebrating our New Century in 2014! Details at www.nftc.org The National Foreign Trade Council (www.nftc.org) is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves hundreds of member companies through its offices in Washington and New York. Follow us on: