“We thank David for his many years of dedicated service on behalf of the U.S.-Libya Business Association. He has provided invaluable strategic counsel, analysis and leadership to the association during his tenure, and we wish him all the best in his next assignment,” said outgoing USLBA Chairman Kay Larcom, Director of Federal Affairs for ConocoPhillips.
The association will remain a separate entity but will be co-located with the NFTC. Incoming Executive Director Chuck Dittrich has a background in Middle East affairs and has managed the NFTC’s U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Coalition since its inception. Ditrrich has also led the Council’s advocacy and outreach efforts to press for passage and implementation of free trade agreements with Bahrain, Morocco and Oman. Dittrich will also retain his position at the NFTC as Vice President for Regional Trade Initiatives.
“The NFTC is one of the most highly regarded trade associations in Washington, and their team is deeply steeped in U.S.-Middle East policy issues,” said Davis. “We have worked alongside the Council on a number of U.S-Libya related matters, specifically, and we look forward to working with the organization in this new capacity.”
The USLBA was organized to enhance commercial relations between the United States and Libya, educate the public about their importance, and facilitate the commercial and diplomatic dialogue between the two countries. The association is a non-profit, member-based organization that sponsors regular policy conferences, briefing sessions and major events featuring senior U.S. and Libyan officials. Ambassador David Mack serves as the association’s honorary chairman.
For more information, visit www.us-lba.org or www.nftc.org
About the USLBA
The US-Libya Business Association is the only bilateral US association focusing on the United States and Libya. It was organized to enhance the US-Libya relationship, educate the public about its importance, and facilitate the commercial and diplomatic dialogue between the two countries. The USLBA is a non-profit, member-based organization that sponsors regular policy conferences, briefing sessions and major events featuring senior US and Libyan officials.
About the NFTC
Advancing Global Commerce for 95 Years -The National Foreign Trade Council (www.nftc.org) is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves hundreds of member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.