In a letter sent to every Senate office this morning, USA*Engage Director Richard Sawaya wrote:
“USA*Engage has long argued that any economic sanctions adopted by Congress preserve the ability of the Executive branch to conduct foreign policy. We have also maintained that such sanctions be considered carefully under the discipline of regular order. Finally, we have advocated that every attempt be made when legislating economic sanctions to minimize collateral harm to the commerce of the United States, its trading partners and allies.
“We therefore urge you to oppose any effort to add sanctions-related measures to S. 3254, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 13. Regarding Iran, events in the Middle East continue to underscore the necessity for thoughtful diplomacy and continued common purpose with U.S. allies. A Congressional legislative ultimatum to pursue the economic collapse of Iran will hardly contribute to diplomatic success, continued allied common cause, or stated U.S. common cause with ordinary Iranians.”
To read the full text of the letter, click here