Washington D.C. – The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) today released the 2024 Tax Treaty Survey.
The survey, which was answered by tax professionals from NFTC member companies, asked businesses to rate their tax treaty priorities around the world.
“Companies value certainty and avoidance of double taxation, which is why Tax Treaties are so crucial,” said Anne Gordon, NFTC Vice President for International Tax Policy. “As countries around the world elect new leaders and policies change, treaties provide companies with the certainty they need to make long term investment plans and succeed in global markets. Continuing to vigorously pursue treaties also strengthens the U.S. position as a global leader and allows us to defend our interests in other markets.”
Highlights of this year’s survey include:
Read the full results here.
An infographic of the most requested countries can be found here.
About the NFTC
The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) is the premier business association advancing trade and tax policies that support access to the global marketplace. Founded in 1914, NFTC promotes an open, rules-based global economy on behalf of a diverse membership of U.S.-based businesses.