“The NFTC welcomes the remarks delivered by Ambassador Froman today during the Ways and Means Committee hearing on President Obama’s 2014 trade agenda. Ambassador Froman is right – international trade plays a key role in our economy, and more exports mean more jobs.
“Trade negotiations like the ones currently underway – the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Trade in Services Agreement and the World Trade Organization’s environmental goods negotiations – ensure that U.S. businesses can compete on a level playing field across the globe and that our trading partners play by the rules for a 21st century global trading system. Once completed these agreements will break down market access barriers, increasing exports and creating more American jobs. Trade is essential to stimulating economic growth.
“An important step to ensure the benefits of these agreements and future agreements is congressional approval of Trade Promotion Authority legislation, and we urge the Administration and Congress to work together to achieve this as soon as possible.”
About the NFTC
NFTC is Celebrating our New Century in 2014! Details at www.nftc.org -The National Foreign Trade Council (www.nftc.org) is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves hundreds of member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.Follow us on: