WASHINGTON DC – National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) Vice President for International Tax Policy Anne Gordon issued the following statement following Senate Finance Committee passage of the U.S.-Taiwan Expedited Double Tax Relief Act:
“We were happy to see unanimous approval of the U.S.-Taiwan Expedited Double Tax Relief Act in the Senate Finance Committee and welcome their commitment to working alongside the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on continuing forward momentum on this important issue.
“Bipartisan and unanimous consent of this Act shows continued appetite on the part of the Hill to ensure American companies have a fair shot at competing in international markets, and we look forward to learning further details as the bill continues to move through the appropriate process.”
About the NFTC
The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) is the premier business association advancing trade and tax policies that support access to the global marketplace. Founded in 1914, NFTC promotes an open, rules-based global economy on behalf of a diverse membership of U.S.-based businesses.