Industry Groups Line Up Against Return to “Cold War” Policies
Washington DC – In a letter to House and Senate Conferees on the FY 2005 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the National Foreign Trade Council today joined other major business organizations in urging a removal of certain provisions contained in the original House bill (H.R. 4200) that would mandate new unilateral sanctions and export controls.
“If the House provisions are adopted, it will be a step backward for U.S. trade and export control policy. Both the Clinton and Bush Administrations have actively sought to modernize our export controls in a way that improves security while protecting our technological leadership. These onerous provisions would reverse that course,” stated Bill Reinsch, President of the National Foreign Trade Council.
The letter stated:
Taken together, these provisions are counterproductive to U.S. trade and foreign policy. They also would harm the competitiveness of American companies at a crucial point in the current business recovery and would only strengthen the position of our overseas competitors. As a result, the jobs of many American workers in these affected industries would be put at risk.
The attempt to turn back the clock to Cold War-era export controls will only damage U.S. technological and industrial leadership. They run counter to the efforts of both Republican and Democratic presidents to make U.S. export controls more targeted, effective and multilateral, while maintaining U.S. technological leadership and promoting defense cooperation with our allies. These provisions should be deleted as the Congress crafts a final version of the FY 2005 National Defense Authorization Act.
The letter is available at . It was signed by the following organizations:
Aerospace Industries Association
Coalition For Employment Through Exports
Computer Coalition For Responsible Exports
Industry Coalition on Technology Transfer
Information Technology Industry Council
National Defense Industrial Association
National Foreign Trade Council
Satellite Industry Association
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
Semiconductor Industry Association
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC serves its several hundred member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.