Urges Ambitious Doha Round Outcome
WASHINGTON, DC – In a written statement submitted to the House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Trade, the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC), on behalf of its 300 member companies, declared its strong support for the World Trade Organization and urged U.S. negotiators to push for an ambitious outcome in the current Doha Round of negotiations. The NFTC submitted the statement as part of the five-year congressional review of the WTO, as provided under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994.
“The WTO is vitally important to the United States as the foundation of a stable and predictable global trading system and primary vehicle for expanding open and rules-based trade among nations on a multilateral basis. The NFTC strongly supports continued U.S. participation in the WTO and urges an ambitious outcome to the Doha Round,” stated Mary Irace, NFTC Vice President for Trade and Export Finance and Co-Chair of the NFTC Doha Round Working Group. “Since 1948, the WTO and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) have been responsible for lowering trade barriers and expanding global trade, which has had an enormous positive impact on American families, workers, farmers and businesses,” added Irace.
In addition to touting the benefits of WTO membership, the NFTC also urged U.S. negotiators to maintain their leadership role in bringing the Doha Round to a successful conclusion. In 2002, NFTC issued a comprehensive set of recommendations and proposals that would be key for a successful Doha Round. More recently, the NFTC issued a paper on GATS Mode 4 negotiations, covering the temporary movement of business personnel in the delivery of services.
According to Irace, “[t]his year, which will culminate in a major ministerial meeting in Hong Kong in December, is critical to the ultimate success of the Doha Round. All WTO members must demonstrate the necessary political will and leadership to advance these negotiations toward a meaningful conclusion.”
Irace added “the NFTC has consistently urged an ambitious outcome to the Doha Round, centered around high levels of market access in industrial goods, services and agriculture. This outcome will ensure support among all WTO members and provide the necessary momentum needed to pass the Agreement in Congress.”
A copy of the NFTC’s statement, as well as reports on the Doha Round and GATS Mode 4 are available at www.nftc.org.