“Stronger enforcement is a good thing, and Ambassador Kirk has zeroed in on several of the important areas where there is a lot of work to be done. At the same time, a comprehensive trade policy needs more than one leg. We also need to be actively promoting American products and pursuing trade agreements, both multilateral and bilateral, that will expand trade and thereby help our economy grow and create new jobs. We look forward to hearing about the other legs of the Administration’s trade policy soon.
“In particular, we encourage the Administration to redouble efforts to conclude a global trade deal and enact outstanding bilateral trade agreements, as well as to pursue innovative strategies that would unlock new markets for U.S. businesses and workers. For example, the United States should take a leadership role in promoting trade in green technologies and introducing new ideas into the global trading system like a next-generation information technology agreement.”
About the NFTC
Advancing Global Commerce for 95 Years – The National Foreign Trade Council is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves hundreds of member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.