“More active and aggressive promotion by the U.S. government of clean energy exports will drive U.S. leadership of the global clean energy economy,” said NFTC Vice President for Global Trade Issues Jake Colvin. “These principles outline for the Administration and Congress specific policies that will create American jobs and improve the environment and economy.”
In addition to the NFTC, other signatories on the principles include the Business Coalition for Sustainable Energy, Business Roundtable, Coalition of Service Industries, Emergency Committee for American Trade, Information Technology Industry Council, National Association of Manufacturers, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Council for International Business.
The groups urge the U.S. government to pursue more aggressively U.S. commercial diplomacy; better monitor and report on clean technology export promotion programs; further develop flexible clean technology funding mechanisms; protect American ideas and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) globally; modernize trade rules to reduce green trade barriers; and ensure technology neutrality in their efforts.
Click here to read the full text of the principles.
About NFTC
Advancing Global Commerce for Nearly A Century– The National Foreign Trade Council (www.nftc.org) is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves hundreds of member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.
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