The NFTC, which promotes open markets and U.S. engagement in the world on behalf of its member companies – including Boeing, Caterpillar, Chevron, General Electric, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Procter & Gamble, United Technologies and Wal-Mart – has been supportive of an ambitious conclusion to the Round for more than a decade, but as talks have stalled, the association has outlined a new approach for a way forward.
“After more than a decade of negotiations that have not led global trade negotiators to an outcome, it’s time for fresh ideas to break the diplomatic logjam and find ways to move global trade liberalization forward,” said NFTC Vice President for Global Trade Issues Jake Colvin. “The NFTC and our member companies believe deeply that the WTO is a valuable institution and the right place to modernize global trade rules, but we need new approaches around which trade negotiators can coalesce.”
The NFTC paper recommends that the WTO pursue the following key initiatives:
“We are eager to work with the Administration to help drive an ambitious multilateral trade agenda at the WTO on behalf of the American business community,” said NFTC President Bill Reinsch. “We believe this paper helps provide a roadmap for action.”