Calls for an Ambitious Agenda for Hong Kong Ministerial
WASHINGTON, DC – The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) today announced its participation in the American Business Coalition for Doha (ABCDoha), a broad-based organization of business and agricultural interests with a shared vision for an ambitious and commercially meaningful 2006 conclusion to the WTO’s Doha Development Agenda talks.
“The Doha Round has tremendous potential for both expanding U.S. trade opportunities and delivering economic growth and development the world over. All sectors of the U.S. trade community recognize this potential and that’s why we’ve joined together under the ABCDoha umbrella to drive progress in Hong Kong and beyond,” said Bill Reinsch, NFTC President.
“The recent U.S. proposal on agriculture has reenergized the Doha negotiations and demonstrated ongoing U.S. leadership in steering this negotiation toward a successful conclusion. We look to the EU and advanced developing countries to demonstrate similar leadership in the coming days,” stated Reinsch.
“The NFTC will continue to have as its top priority an ambitious outcome to the Doha Round and we look forward to joining forces with the ABCDoha Coalition as a way to amplify U.S. business support on behalf of this vital objective. By bringing together manufacturing interests, the services industry and agriculture, we can help U.S. negotiators find solutions that are comprehensive and meaningful for the American economy. We’re very excited to be part of ABCDoha.”