“Russia has now been a member of the WTO for nearly a month, and in this time, U.S. competitors – not the United States – have been reaping the benefits of its membership. Granting Russia PNTR is an important step toward ensuring U.S. exporters and workers are able to compete on a level playing field in the Russian market.
“We are disappointed that Congress has again kicked the can down the road on a piece of legislation that will help grow the economy and create jobs through increased exports. The United States cannot afford yet another delay.
“We strongly urge House and Senate leaders to work together to bring the PNTR bill to the floor as soon as possible during the ‘lame duck’ session.
“The NFTC also understands policymakers’ interest in addressing legitimate human rights concerns as part of the PNTR legislation. However, it is critical that the scope of this provision be limited to Russian persons.”