Washington DC – The National Foreign Trade Council announced the re-launch of its website this week, www.nftc.org, boasting a new look and a full internal overhaul with interactive features and new “members only” services.
The redesigned site allows visitors to search top news stories using the new overall site search function, as well as current and archived press releases and NFTC committee reports. A monthly calendar on the homepage displays a “Calendar of Events,” allowing visitors to highlight a chosen date for a detailed description of the event. Tracking and usage statistics are also available for the site. Archives are available past 90 days and date back to September 2001.
NFTC members will be able to log into a members’ only area, using the website registration tool for verification and validation of membership, as well as register for conferences and meetings. Members can also participate in online surveys, with the ability to automatically display results in bar graphical representation.
Visitors can interface with sister organization, USA*Engage, through the link www.usaengage.org, as well as many other trade groups and organizations.
www.nftc.org is designed by InfoVine, based out of Houston, TX.
The National Foreign Trade Council is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves several hundred member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.