Trade Committee Meeting with Senate Finance Majority Trade Staff

Date: 1/26/12

January 20, 2012
To: NFTC Trade & Finance Committee
Subject:  January 26 Trade Committee Meeting with Senate Finance Majority Trade Staff
Please join us next week on Thursday January 26, 10:00am -11:00am for a Trade & Finance Committee meeting with Amber Cottle, Chief International Trade Counsel, Majority, Senate Finance Committee and her team to discuss the 2012 trade agenda. We will assemble at Dirksen Senate Office Building 219 and meet in an adjacent room or the hearing room depending on our numbers.
This meeting is off the record.
Please RSVP by reply email by Noon Wednesday 1/25 so we can let them know who will attend and make sure we have a large enough room.
Thanks and best regards,
Chuck Dittrich
Vice President, Regional Trade Initiatives
National Foreign Trade Council
1625 K Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 887-0278
Direct Line: (202) 464-2022
Fax: (202) 452-8160