Tax Lunch Forum – Speaker Donald Korb, Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service

Date: 10/13/04

To: NFTC Tax Committee

Re: October 13th Tax Lunch Forum

The next NFTC Tax Luncheon Forum to discuss current international tax developments will be held on Wednesday, October 13th at 12:00 p.m. EDT, at GM”s offices, 1660 L Street, Washington, DC, in the 5th floor conference room‚Äînote the location change (due to construction in the building adjacent to the NFTC). ¬†Donald Korb, Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, is our invited luncheon speaker.


It will be an interesting discussion, please attend and join in.


For those attending the meeting, lunch will be provided for $35, payable by check or credit card.  Please register in advance so that we can make the necessary lunch arrangements or provide the conference call-in number to you.  For those who are outside the Washington Metropolitan area who cannot attend in person, a call-in number will be provided to you, however, you must return the attached response form to before the call-in information will be sent to you. Please complete the attached response form to attend or participate in the conference call and return it by Monday, October 11th (note that no refunds will be made after Monday).

Note to conference call in participants: To give our speaker time to eat lunch, the discussion usually starts at approximately 12:15pm; (i.e., the call in number will activate at 12:15pm).  Also, please put your phones on mute unless you are speaking and DO NOT PUT YOUR PHONE ON HOLD AT ANY TIME during the call.

2004-2005 NFTC Tax Committee Calendar

The calendar is also available at the NFTC website,

·       November 16-17, 2004 (Tuesday-Wednesday) Fall Tax Committee Meeting—Washington, DC

·         April 28-30, 2005 (Thursday-Saturday) Spring Tax Committee Meeting—Charlotte, NC

I look forward to seeing you.

Judy Scarabello

Vice President for Tax Policy


202 887 0278, extension 105