Spring Tax Committee Meeting—Charlotte, NC

Date: 4/28/05 - 4/30/05

National Foreign Trade Council
2005 Tax Committee Spring Meeting
Thursday, April 28th – Saturday, April 30th
Charlotte, North Carolina

Don”t Miss Out, New Location, Same Great Program

Register by Friday, March 25th for the Best Price

Preliminary Agenda Now Available

Meeting Format
The Meeting begins with a welcome reception and dinner the evening of Thursday, April 28th, and continues through lunch Saturday, April 30th. Casual attire is appropriate for all events. A preliminary agenda is now available, further updates will be provided as additional speakers are confirmed.

Registration Form
Please complete the registration form and return it with your check or credit card number to “National Foreign Trade Council, Inc.‚Äù, c/o Vivian Myers, 1625 K Street, NW, Suite, 200, Washington, DC 20006, or fax it to 202 452 8160, or email it to vmyers@nftc.org.

Location and Reservations
The meeting will be held at the Ballantyne Resort, 10000 Ballantyne Commons Parkway, Charlotte, NC, telephone: 704 248 4000; website: www.ballantyneresort.com.

A block of rooms is being held for the nights of Wednesday, April 27th; Thursday, April 28th; Friday, April 30th. For those who wish to extend their stay after the meeting, a lesser number of rooms are available at the same rate for the Saturday evening following the meeting.

You are responsible for your own accommodations. Reservation can be made by calling the resort at 866 248 4824. Please make your reservations as soon as possible to ensure a room, but no later than Wednesday, April 6th. Hotel reservation made after that date are subject to availability. Rooms are being held under the name “National Foreign Trade Council Spring Tax Meeting.‚Äù The NFTC rate is $200/night for single and double occupancy.

Golf—A number of recreational activities are offered in the area. Andy Breslow of ExxonMobil has arranged the 11th Annual NFTC Golf Open. Please note that green fees for the NFTC Golf Open are not included in the meeting registration fee and must be paid in advance with your registration fee. Andy will also arrange a Saturday golf reservation, please let him know if you are interested in golfing Saturday (you are responsible for paying the fees directly). If you would like to play golf, please complete the reservation form.

Contributions of golf appropriate prizes for the tournament on Friday are greatly appreciated. To ask golf related questions or let Andy know of your pledges, please contact him at: andrew.b.breslow@exxonmobil.com.

Spa—The Ballantyne Resort has a nationally recognized spa. We have been advised that, due to the popularity of the spa, appointments should be made in advance of arrival. Please contact the Group Spa Manager, Kim Love, at 704 248 4149, or klove@ballantyneresort.com to make your appointments. Available spa treatments can be found on the resort website at www.ballantyneresort.com.

Tax Committee Chair, Joe Luby, is committed to making this an outstanding meeting. Please be sure to register early. We look forward to seeing you at the welcome reception on Thursday, April 28th, in Charlotte, North Carolina.