NFTC/GBD Joint Series on WTO Issues: IN THE SHADOW OF ELECTIONS: The 2004 Push for Progress in the Doha Round

Date: 5/18/04

Agriculture and the Doha Development Agenda

 May 18, 2004
8:45 – 10:30 AM
The St. Regis Hotel (923 16th St., Washington)

In the World Trade Organization, deadlines as action forcing events don”t always produce the desired results.  Seattle and Cancun come to mind.  Sometimes they do:  The 2001 Doha Ministerial.  Whether the current July 30, 2004, deadline for a framework agreement in the agricultural negotiations will produce that result is an open question.  Clearly, the EU”s recent announcement on the possible elimination of export subsidies has produced momentum and a growing sense that the sought after, stepping-stone framework agreement may be achievable.  The WTO”s current work on agriculture and the significance of the agriculture negotiations more broadly will be our topic at the May 18 colloquium, the second in the 2004 GBD-NFTC series on WTO issues.


Jean-Marc Trarieux                                     Craig Thorn
EU Delegation                                                 DTB Associates, Inc

Marcia Donner Abreau                                Jean-Francois Boittin
Embassy of Brazil                                            French Embassy

                                                                       Marietta Bernot
                                                                       For Mars, Incorporated

Prices: $40 is the general admission fee; $30 for members of the National Foreign Trade Council. GBD members are prepaid not just for these programs but for all GBD events in Washington. There is no charge for U.S. Government staff or press. 

To Register, call the Global Business Dialogue at (202) 463-5074 or send an email to  If paying by credit card, you can register on-line at