NFTC Board of Directors Meeting

Date: 3/19/12

NFTC Board of Directors
Thursday, March 19, 2015, 9:00 AM- Noon.

Our hosts will be PricewaterhouseCoopers, 600 13th Street, NW, Tenth Floor, Washington, DC 20005.
Breakfast will be provided.

Because so many new persons have joined the Board within the past 12-24 months, we thought that it would be helpful to hold a brief New Board Member Orientation program prior to the main meeting. Long time board members are welcome to attend as a refresher. We will cover some basics about service on the NFTC board, committees, duties, annual calendar, membership levels, staff roles, programs, the NFTC Foundation, and so on.

The New Board Member Orientation meeting will be from 8:30 till 9 AM in the same venue as the meeeting.
As usual, there will be an Embassy dinner the evening prior, on Wed. March 18 (embassy TBD).

If you have questions about the meeting, the Orientation meeting, or the dinner (evening of 3/18), please contact James Wilkinson, Vice President for Strategy and Growth at 202-464-2021 or .

We’ll follow up with details about the dinner and guest speakers as soon as plans are solidified.

Please RSVP below.