Homeland Security Webinar Series

What Congress and the Bush Administration Have Wrought and Where They Are Going

Date: 1/29/04

What Congress and the Bush Administration Have Wrought

and Where They Are Going

Christopher Logan, Deputy Editor, CQ Homeland Security, Washington, DC

January 29, 2004

11:00am – 11:45am EST


Baker & McKenzie’s U.S. Homeland Security Practice, Congressional Quarterly Inc., and the National Foreign Trade Council are proud to announce a series of Webinars on homeland security legal issues. Discussions will cover topics related to Homeland Security issues relevant to companies and how they conduct business.


Two years after 9/11, homeland security has changed the way America does business‚Äîor has it? A survey of the new landscape ‚Äì from shipping rules to air cargo, from the chemical and nuclear industries to port security and law enforcement – finds a nation – its people, its lawmakers, its business leaders – still searching for the proper balance.


To view descriptions of all 2004 webinars, please click here.


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