Homeland Security Webinar Series

Product Liability and Consumer Recalls: What to do if Your Brand is a Victim of a Terrorist Incident

Date: 5/20/04

Product Liability and Consumer Recalls:

What to do if Your Brand is a Victim of a Terrorist Incident

Peter Mone and David Wix, Baker & McKenzie, Chicago, IL

May 20, 2004

11:00am – 11:45am EST


Baker & McKenzie’s U.S. Homeland Security Practice, Congressional Quarterly Inc., and the National Foreign Trade Council are proud to announce a series of Webinars on homeland security legal issues. Discussions will cover topics related to Homeland Security issues relevant to companies and how they conduct business.


Those who are dedicated to the erosion of consumer confidence in the United States might attempt to further destabilize our economy by targeting consumer products. Many still recall the Tylenol tampering incident of over 20 years ago and the havoc it caused not only for the product manufacturer, but also for all consumable products. This session will deal with the establishment of product recall protocols, prophylactic measures to prevent adulteration of a product by terrorists, and what steps to take if your product does become the victim of a terrorist scheme.


To view descriptions of all 2004 webinars, please click here.