Homeland Security Webinar Series

Money Laundering and the Patriot Act

Date: 6/17/04


Money Laundering and thePatriot Act

Carrie Di Santo, Baker & McKenzie, Chicago, IL

June 17, 2004

11:00am – 11:45am EST


Baker & McKenzie’s U.S. Homeland Security Practice, Congressional Quarterly Inc., and the National Foreign Trade Council are proud to announce a series of Webinars on homeland security legal issues. Discussions will cover topics related to Homeland Security issues relevant to companies and how they conduct business.


With the focus in today”s environment on financial crimes and terrorist financing, all businesses, including nonfinancial institution businesses, should be concerned about inadvertently laundering money or financing terrorist activities through their domestic and international business activities. Entities and individuals can face significant civil and criminal fines, along with imprisonment and the forfeiture of assets, for violating the U.S. money laundering laws and applicable Bank Secrecy Act provisions. In the current atmosphere where enhanced scrutiny is placed on the source of funds and terrorist financing, all businesses should consider undertaking certain compliance procedures relating to business partners and funds, including, e.g., verification of identities, identification

of suspicious transactions and red flags, and adherence to corporate payment policies. This session will explain the applicability to the money laundering laws to all businesses and offer suggestions for money laundering compliance efforts.


To view descriptions of all 2004 webinars, please click here.


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