Homeland Security Webinar Series

Homeland Security and Tax Issues

Date: 7/1/04

Homeland Security and Tax Issues

Scott Frewing and Matt Sullivan, Baker & Mckenzie, Palo Alto, CA

July 1, 2004 11:00am – 11:45am EST


Baker & McKenzie’s U.S. Homeland Security Practice, Congressional Quarterly Inc., and the National Foreign Trade Council are proud to announce a series of Webinars on homeland security legal issues. Discussions will cover topics related to Homeland Security issues relevant to companies and how they conduct business.


The increased focus on security by all government agencies has already, and will continue to, implicate tax issues ranging from the sharing of taxpayer information to tax incentives for investments in security equipment. Businesses and individuals should be conscious of the potential opportunities and pitfalls arising from the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and its coordination with the Internal Revenue Service. Seeking to address both the carrots and the sticks, this session will include discussing the role of the Internal Revenue Service in terrorism and other investigations and will provide an update on Congressional efforts to provide incentives for investing in security equipment.


To view descriptions of all 2004 webinars, please click here.


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