Fall Tax Committee Meeting — Washington DC

Date: 11/16/04 - 11/17/04

NFTC Fall Tax Committee Meeting, November 16-17, 2004

Register Now, Space is Limited

Treasury and Legislative Updates will be featured at the Fall Meeting
This year, we will also have . . . .

An IRS Update by Bob Green, Director, International, U.S. Competent Authority,
An OECD Update by Jeffrey Owens, Head of the Center for Tax Policy and Administration

The NFTC Tax Committee Fall Meeting begins the afternoon of Tuesday, November 16th, with a roll out of the NFTC Tax Treaty project by Mary Bennett and Carol Dunahoo of Baker & McKenzie, followed by a reception and dinner. The meeting continues through lunch on Wednesday, November 17th. In the tradition of past Fall Tax Meetings, Barbara Angus, International Tax Counsel, U.S. Treasury, has been invited to provide a Tax Treaty and Treasury update, and Nick Giordano of Washington Council Ernst & Young, will moderate a panel of tax staff from the Senate Finance and Ways and Means Committees. This year”s agenda also includes an IRS update by Bob Green, Director, International, U.S. Competent Authority (and former NFTC Tax Vice President), and an OECD update by Jeffrey Owens, Head, CTPA. A Draft Agenda and Registration Form are attached.

The Fall Tax Committee Meeting will close with a reception and luncheon. Gregory Jenner, Acting Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, U.S. Treasury, is our invited keynote luncheon speaker.

Register Now, Space is Limited

To view the agendas and registration forms click on the hyperlink or paste the URL below in your web browser:

Fall Tax Meeting Agenda: http://www.nftc.org/default/tax/fall%20tax%20meetring/FallAgenda2004%20_2_.pdf

Registration Form: http://www.nftc.org/default/tax/fall%20tax%20meetring/Registration.pdf