Decisions Deferred: The Singapore Issues Investment, Trade Facilitation, Competition Policy, and Government Procurement.
The GBD-NFTC WTO Series for 2003
March – September 2003
On March 27, for the second year in a row, the Global Business Dialogue and the National Foreign Trade Council will inaugurate a six-part series on WTO issues. Built around the preparation for the 5th WTO Ministerial in Canc√∫n, Mexico (September 10-14), the 2003 series will begin with a discussion of antidumping and other rules issues in the negotiations and conclude on September 18 with a wrap-up of the results. If the actors in this drama are trade ministers and heads of state, the negotiators and WTO officials are the stage hands and set designers, writers and production assistants. It is their work that we will be examining in this series:
Time and place. All events will be held from 9:00 – 10:30 am in the First Amendment Lounge at the National Press Club. Flyers for the March 17 event have been sent out. Information for the March – September programs will be confirmed shortly.
Prices: $175 is the general admission price for the series; $125 for NFTC members. GBD members are prepaid for these events. There is no charge for press or U.S. Government staff.
To register, please call the Global Business Dialogue at (202) 463-5074 or send an email to There will also be individual notices for each of these events. Thank you.