Briefing on Russia WTO Accession and Doha Round
To: NFTC Trade and Finance Committee
The NFTC has organized jointly with ECAT a meeting via videoconference with AUSTR Dorothy Dwoskin on the recent round of Russian WTO accession negotiations. We have also asked her to brief us on the current status of the Doha Round negotiations if time permits. The meeting will be held next Wednesday, July 26, at 10:00 a.m,. in Conference Room 1 in the USTR Annex Building at 1724 F Street.
Please email Vivian Myers at if you plan to attend the meeting. Seating may be limited.
The NFTC serves on the steering committee of a new business coalition on Russia PNTR and will be contacting you soon with further details about joining the coalition. In the meantime, please send a quick email if your company or firm is interested in getting involved.
Mary A. Irace
Vice President, Trade and Export Finance
National Foreign Trade Council
1625 K Street, N.W., Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20006
(t) 202/464-2024
(f) 202/452-8160