2009 NFTC Fall Tax Meeting
The National Foreign Trade Council Register Now, Space is Limited
A tax reform panel of top tax experts will kick off our meeting on Thursday. On Friday morning, a legislative panel moderated by Nick Giordano of Washington Council Ernst & Young will begin the meeting. Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committee senior tax staff are invited. This year”s agenda also includes tax experts from both the U.K. and Japan who will discuss those countries recent moves to territorial tax systems, and the issues involved in changing to the new tax regimes. The agenda also includes a panel comprised of Treasury and Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff who will share their views on the pending tax treaties. The Fall Tax Committee Meeting will close with a luncheon. House Ways and Means Select Revenues Subcommittee Chairman Richard Neal, is our invited keynote luncheon speaker. A Draft Agenda and Registration Form are attached. |