2003 Annual International Human Resources Management Conference: Keynote Speaker General Wesley Clark
September 23, 2003
¬†8:00 – 8:30¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Registration and Continental Breakfast
¬†8:30 –¬† 8:45¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Welcoming Remarks and Program Overview
                        William R. Sheridan, Senior Director, National Foreign Trade Council
¬†8:45 –¬† 9:45¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Business Globalization and Human Resources Challenges
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Kathleen J. Affeldt, Vice President – HR (Retired 2003), Lexmark International
¬†9:45 –¬† 10:00¬† ¬†¬†¬†¬† Refreshment Break
10:00 – 10:45¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† The Buck Stops Where? Global Development Challenges:
                        Managing the Boundaries of Business Engagement
                  Peter Brew, Associate Director,
                        The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum
10:45 – 11:45¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† A) Issues and Trends in International Benefits
                       Linda Bartoni, Global Relationship Leader, NOVA Chemicals
                       Michael D. Brown, Regional Director, Zurich Multinational Benefits Network
                       Scot Schwarting, Assistant Vice President – Insurance, OSI Industries, Inc.
                                        B) Corporate Governance Programs: Employment Essentials
                                             Brian S. Arbetter, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
                                             Robert F. Lewis, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
                                                      C) Global Tax Developments Impacting International Assignments
                                             Monica M. Sabo, Partner, Deloitte & Touche, llp
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† 11:45 –¬† 1:30¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Luncheon
                                  Guest Speaker: Globalization Update—The View From Washington
                                  William A. Reinsch, President, National Foreign Trade Council
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† 1:30 –¬† 2:30¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† D) Global Share Plans: Accounting & Financial Implications
                              Kenton J. Klaus, Partner, Deloitte & Touche, llp
                                        E) Strategic Benefits of HR Outsourcing — “Lessons Learned”
                       Jeremy Beglin, Vice President, SIRVA Europe
                       Nigel Holt, HR Policy Manager, Nestlé, UK
                        F)  Enterprise Wide e-HR in a Global Company — “Best Practice”
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Joseph Mongrain, Director – HR, No. & So. America, Schlumberger
                       Scott Thompson, HR Manager, No. & So. America, Schlumberger
¬† ¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† 2:30 –¬† 2:45¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Refreshment Break
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† ¬†2:45 –¬† 3:45¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Homeland Security: Effects on U.S. and Non-US Multinationals
                          Betsy S. Morgan, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† 3:45 –¬† 4:30¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Transforming Global HR Programs to Maximize Process Value¬†& Minimize Cost
                          Matthew F. Davis, Partner, Deloitte & Touche, llp
                          Amy Vorndran, IHR Transformation Manager, Deloitte & Touche, llp
          4:30 – 6:00         Networking Reception Hosted By:   
                                Baker & McKenzie
                                Deloitte & Touche, LLP