Washington DC – The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) released the following statement today announcing that Brian Bieron, Executive Director of the Public Policy Lab at eBay Inc., will serve as Chair of its Trade Committee.
“Brian’s expertise and experience in international trade policy will be critical as we navigate a robust trade agenda this year from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to pending Trade Promotion Authority legislation to renewal of programs such as Generalized System of Preferences and Trade Adjustment Assistance. We are looking forward to working with Brian in his new role as Chair of our Trade Committee,” said NFTC President Bill Reinsch. “We will rely on Brian’s experience and eBay Inc.’s unique role at the intersection of the physical and digital economies to inform the work of our trade committee.”
Bieron serves as Executive Director of the Public Policy Lab at eBay Inc., and has published and spoken on a broad variety of issues at the nexus of technology and commerce. Previously, Bieron led eBay’s U.S. Government Relations Team in Washington, DC, from 2004 to 2012. Prior to joining eBay, Bieron worked as a Director at Clark & Weinstock, one of Washington’s leading bipartisan lobbying and consulting firms. He also previously worked on Capitol Hill as a Congressional staffer, including service as Policy Director for former House Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier, where he played a lead role on key congressional trade and technology issues, including enactment of the North America Free Trade Agreement, the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) Uruguay Round, Permanent Normalized Trade Relations for China and Trade Promotion Authority.
About the NFTC
NFTC is Celebrating our New Century in 2014! Details at www.nftc.org -The National Foreign Trade Council (www.nftc.org) is a leading business organization advocating an open, rules-based global trading system. Founded in 1914 by a broad-based group of American companies, the NFTC now serves hundreds of member companies through its offices in Washington and New York.Follow us on: